this week's menu

As you requested. No judgement, please. I did however promise myself when I decided to make this blog more about our life rather than just photos of our life to be as authentic and as transparent as possible. Otherwise I would be trying to live up to whatever it was I was telling you I was and that would be NO FUN at all!

Now, I have plenty more to say on this subject. You see what I do with my spare time is um-research the things I think are important. We then try them, usually fail, give up or try again. You know the routine. Eventually we land upon what become the best practices for our little family. This is one of the main reasons I went "public" with the canoe.  I feel like I do a whole lot of paddling to keep it all to myself. Maybe it would lighten the load for some if I shared my research. So, I will definitely be back with some more talk on food, and some more talk on parenting and health and spirituality and education and music and reading and junking and collecting tacos and gardening and photography and blogs and marriage and friendship, and of course a lot more about my amazing family, my sweet girls and our beautiful little life together!
But here's the thing, I really want to hear from you! I need help paddling this thing! (2 things I love - comments and followers)  So, please join in the fun - let's be friends. Come sit on my couch. Let me know what your's like for dinner. Obviously, by looking at this week's menu, you can bet on most days mine wish I'd do better.


  1. Ha! My comment is you are about 5 years ahead of me. Dinner at my house is what ever is in the fridge at 8pm when we are both home from work and ready to eat our shoes. Jake is the shopper (b/c he says I don't buy enough F/V!) But more times than not dinner is a grill cheese or pot stickers from the freezer with a side of fruit. So I say keep it up!! Aimee

  2. Be thankful you're not there yet! It all comes so fast - hold on!

  3. Thanks for sharing!! We are getting great at dinner planning. The girls have the same thing for breakfast most days (cereal and bagels) so it doesn't take much planning. My menu's tend to be a little more scratched out and written over as I change my mind and rearrange the meals all week but still eat the same foods. I'm glad to see that the meals are not hard and are healthy. I tend to want to be elaborate in my planning, but lazy in execution.


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