one thousand gifts

Today I've been so thankful for this miserable ice. In a sense, I've been mandated by the Big Guy to slow down (i.e. my car is stuck in the garage). This is something I've resolved to do this year in my quest to seek joy daily, however it's not always easy to do. Today my heart is to share with you this video, a plug for a new book, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are.  I have been daily encouraged and amazed at the beautiful writing of the author, Ann Voskamp through her blog, A Holy Experience, for years. Even if you do nothing else, take a minute and watch this video. Her words and photos are so beautiful, it WILL turn your day around. Then, if you are interested in looking into it further, the links to find the book are above and I am joining in an online book club discussion that begins on February 6. To sign up click HERE or look for the BLOOM button on the left (comment to let me know you did - we are in this together). So today, I leave you with this encouragement  "... count the ways HE loves - life's moments are... HOLY... this is how you spend your life well, receiving every moment for what it really is, ... a gift."
